May 03, 2022



" The world is beautiful for those who are beautiful inside "

Learning Reading Personal Development Mental Health

Culture and Environment

Culture and environment where you eat could be one of the things that could trigger depression. It is also interesting because some of the climate could also be affecting our depression. For example, winter is most likely to trigger depression. One of the reasons is most of the winter people do not get enough exposure to sunlight which is one of the essential sources of vitamin D.

Culture also plays a bigger role when talking about depression, this belief because of finding that it happens in Japan. Before globalization Japan never heard of western type of depression but after globalization happened and a lot of campaigns about depression, japanese people take the western depression into their life, which later on make japanese people aware and start to believe that depression exists. There is no clear explanation to why people could have depression after they know about the concept of depression.

Modern environment is also one of the biggest culprits because modern lifestyle and needs are unlimited and overwhelmed. For example like electric bills, water bills, social pressure, and many more.

Mother and Children

Children could inherit depression from their biological mother, this has been proved by a lot of children that have a depressed mother could have a higher chance to encounter depression rather than not.

Pregnant mothers could also make things much worse at the time of pregnancy if the mother has negative feelings towards their womb, for example, how mother doesn’t want children to be born, children that have been resulted from incidents. This later on could lead to serious problems for the child mentally usually the children could absorb the emotion of the mother for a long time.

How do people find meaning in life?

It is very helpful to know about the meaning and purpose of your own life, because this will help you to stay motivated and eager to continue to live in this world.

There are three types of how people get their meaning of life based on Victor Frankl in his book “Man Search for Meaning”.

The first meaning of life is “Creativity”. People could make their life as a canvas to their imagination and creativity, people with the meaning of creativity will make their life make something from their creativity like book, painting, business and many more before they die. The second meaning of life is “Experimental”. People could make their life as a place to experience a lot of things, people with this meaning believe that by experiencing a lot of things in this world could make life to be much more fulfilling.

The last meaning of life is “Attitudinal”. People could make their life as a place to prioritize positive things in life, people with this meaning make every condition of their life as a journey to something much better and better. Remember this quote: The world is beautiful for those who are beautiful inside.

Accepting Depression

By accepting that we have depression is one small progress that you could do to cope with depression.

Start with finding what is the root cause of your depression.

Then you could try to forgive everyone in your life for making your life miserable. This one is the hardest and most important. It is believed that if we could forgive people our burden in our mind could lift much more easily.

Take depression as an experience to learn about the dark side of our life. If we could appreciate depression as things to learn, we could reach our full potential to help ourselves and help other people to deal with depression. By understanding depression you could also be more empathic to the people who have depression.


Is essential to not just only know about depression but also understand why depression exists and why depression could attack some people. Detecting someone with depression and not is also tricky things to do, so never diagnose someone just because you know about depression except you are professional. Accepting depression is one of the best things that you could do to make simple and small progress to cope with depression. Believe in yourself that things will be better waiting for you at the end of the day.