My Blog.

Quote #5

“We cannot choose to have a life free of hurt. But we can choose to be free, to escape the past, no matter what befalls us, and to embrace the possible.” - Edith Eva Eger

May 14, 2022

Quote #4

What a Life 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

May 14, 2022

Quote #3

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.

May 03, 2022

Quote #2

The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.

May 03, 2022

Quote #1

The world is beautiful for those who are beautiful inside.

May 03, 2022

Motivation of The Day

Shit about to happen but sometimes others things happen too.

May 03, 2022

First Blog Using Hugo

This is my first post for my personal blog, I created this blog for solely for the purpose of learning hugo and website static generator in general.

May 02, 2022


Intro to Pragmatic Programmer

May 03, 2022

What is Pragmatic? Pragmatic is the behavior of a person that prioritizes practical rather than …

Learning Reading Programmer Software Development


May 03, 2022

Culture and Environment Culture and environment where you eat could be one of the things that could …

Learning Reading Personal Development Mental Health

Finance Starter

May 03, 2022

Focus on long term Never spend all your paycheck in one day. Try to calculate all your expenses. …

Learning Reading Personal Development Finance

Learning as Developer

May 03, 2022

Learning Fast Not to learn something on the book cover to cover. Before learning something you must …

Learning Reading Personal Development

Be Productive

May 03, 2022

Prioritize Action Start to do some action rather than calculating all the decisions that are …

Learning Reading Personal Development

Non Verbal Communication

May 03, 2022


Body Language Communication

May 03, 2022


Positive Attitude

May 03, 2022



May 03, 2022